Q8Oils has a long tradition of working in partnership with clients to ensure optimum productivity in the drawing and rolling applications for non-ferrous metals.
Germ-Allcard is a range of soluble and neat lubricants for the rolling and drawing applications of non-ferrous rod, bar, wire, strip and tube. It consists of the following product ranges: Priamus, Wirol, Aludra, Cylroll, Cyldraw, Cyldol, Copprotect and Tantaroll.
The Germ-Allcard range has been developed for all types of machinery and is approved by many leading drawing machinery manufacturers. Its main focus is on copper, aluminum and their respective alloys, as well as plated and precious metals.
To help our clients achieve the highest production levels, Q8Oils’ research team helps meet each customer’s specific requirements and our Technical Helpdesk can provide analysis services, auxiliary products and training.
As a founding and executive member of the International Wire and Machinery Association (I.W.M.A). Q8Oils attends exhibitions and conferences worldwide as well as having technical papers published on lubricant productivity and technical use for the wire & tube, drawing & rolling industries.